Restoring hope with dignity
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Additional Programs and Partnerships

JJPI Outpatient Clinic at Carnell School in Oxford Circle

In partnership with the Oxford Circle Christian Community Development Association (OCCCDA), starting in 2019, JJPI employed a full-time clinician to provide Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavior Therapy (TF-CBT) free of charge to students and families at the Laura Carnell School in the Oxford Circle section of Philadelphia.

After grant funding for the program ended, JJPI opened a satellite mental health clinic at the school to continue providing assessment and therapy to students at Carnell School who qualify for Medicaid insurance coverage.

Refer yourself or another person to JJPI's Outpatient Clinic at Carnell School:

  • Call 267-279-3993
  • Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Delaware County Healing and Resolving Trauma (DelcoHART) Program

JJPI received a five year-grant from the Federal Office of Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration (SAMHSA) to fund a partnership between JJPI and Family Support Line (FSL), located in Media, PA.

The project embeds two full-time JJPI clinicians at FSL and expands the availability of evidence-based therapy for children and families exposed to trauma and for children who have exhibited problem sexual behaviors (PSB).

Additional program offerings include:

  • Services for public, charter, and private school students, including evidence-based group therapy and school screening evaluations for students who have exhibited PSB in the school setting
  • Consultation and training to school administrators, students, and families

Learn more or refer yourself or another person to DelcoHART:

  • Call 267-742-8739
  • Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

JJPI and National Nurse-Led Care Consortium Mental Health Collaboration (JJPI-NNCC MHC)

JJPI and fellow PHMC affiliate National Nurse-Led Care Consortium (NNCC) created a partnership to address a lack of access to timely and high-quality behavioral health treatment to clients in NNCC's Mabel Morris and Nurse Family Partnership Nurse Home Visiting programs.

As part of the partnership, JJPI provides:

  • Direct psychotherapy services to NNCC clients where they are needed, including in participants' homes
  • Direct access to psychiatry services for triage and in emergent circumstances
  • Consultation to NNCC nurses regarding behavioral health issues and concerns

Referrals to JJPI-NNCC MHC are made directly through NNCC. If you are a participant in NNCC's Mabel Morris or Nurse Family Partnership programs and are interested in a referral to the program, please reach out to your assigned nurse home visitor.


Philly Supporting Parenting Relationships through Outreach Understanding and Training (SPROUT) supports children in Philadelphia who may face a higher likelihood of developing serious emotional disturbance. The program, funded by a five-year grant from SAMHSA, is JJPI’s second collaboration with fellow PHMC affiliate National Nurse-Led Care Consortium (NNCC).

Through Philly SPROUT, JJPI provides:

  • Infant and early childhood mental health treatment services to children in NNCC’s Nurse-Family Partnership and Mabel Morris Family Home Visit programs using several evidence-based parent-child psychotherapies
  • Clinical consultation to NNCC nurse staff

NNCC leads an additional component of Philly SPROUT that focuses on providing training to infant and early childhood providers from across disciplines.

Referrals to Philly SPROUT are made directly through NNCC. If you are a participant in NNCC's Mabel Morris or Nurse Family Partnership programs and are interested in a referral to the program, please reach out to your assigned nurse home visitor.

Vaux Partnership to Address Trauma and Healing (PATH)

JJPI offers mental health treatment through our Vaux Partnership to Address Trauma and Healing (Vaux PATH) Program at Philadelphia Housing Authority’s Vaux Community Center in the Sharswood neighborhood of North Philadelphia.

JJPI’s Vaux PATH clinicians support children and adults who have experienced trauma and are having emotional, behavioral, and/or social challenges. The PATH program uses a trauma-informed approach that is collaborative and employs evidence-based treatments that address the root of each person’s difficulties.

The program is available to individuals living and/or attending school in areas of North Philadelphia within zip codes 19121 and 19132.

Learn more about JJPI's services at Vaux:

  • Call 856-240-0887 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Make a referral to Vaux:

  • Call 215-701-1560 ext. 5034 and mention the Vaux location

Increasing Prevention & Enhancing PSB Programming for Philadelphia Children & Adolescents

JJPI operates a project called Strengthening Interventions in Philadelphia for Youth with Problem Sexual Behaviors through funding from the Federal Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP).

The project involves:

  • Expanding the availability of evidence-based interventions for individuals with demonstrated problem sexual behaviors (PSB) to prevent re-offending
  • Implementing a school-based screening process that pre-emptively identifies and treats youth with possible PSB
  • Strengthening the existing network of organizations working in the area of PSB, through coordinating a multi-disciplinary team of local government agencies and community-based organizations