Restoring hope with dignity

Our Treatment Approach

Joseph J. Peters Institute is a leader in the Philadelphia region in offering evidence-based treatments for those suffering from the effects of sexual abuse, interpersonal violence, and other types of trauma in our Survivor Services program. We are also a leader in providing evidence-based treatments to individuals with a history of sexual misconduct, sexual offending, or perpetrating interpersonal violence in our Safety & Responsibility Program. JJPI recognizes that people seeking our services come from diverse populations and backgrounds, and have varied treatment needs. Central to our work is tailoring treatment to each individual in order to begin the process of recovery.

At JJPI, we also recognize the critical importance of the relationship between the clinician and the individual receiving treatment. The trust created within that relationship is the cornerstone of recovery.

Using a combination of treatment approaches as described below, we work to create an environment where individuals feel emotionally safe, trusted, and respected and are able to make progress in their lives.

Survivor Services

Group/Individual/Family Therapies

Group Therapy

Targeted group therapy services for survivors of trauma, including Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) groups.

Individual Therapy

Individual therapy is used at JJPI to support individuals in recovery as they pursue healing from trauma and a more fulfilling life.

Family Therapy

Family therapy, involving parents, caregivers, and other family members, is an integral part of our child and adolescent services and may also be used with adult participants.

Safety and Responsibility Services

Group/Individual/Family Therapies

Group Therapy

Targeted group therapy services for:

  • Adults with a history of problem sexual behavior and/or who have been charged with or convicted of sexual offenses
  • Adults who have engaged in harmful behavior towards their intimate partners

Individual Therapy

Individual therapy is utilized to target specific goals and support attitudinal and behavioral change.

Family Therapy

Family therapy, involving parents, caregivers, and other family members, is an integral part of our child and adolescent services and may also be used with adult participants.

Risk-Need-Responsivity Framework

In our work with individuals who have committed sexual offenses, have sexual behavior problems, or have a history of perpetrating relational violence, we use the Risk-Need-Responsivity (RNR) framework to guide our recommendations for treatment and in the implementation of the treatments described below. The RNR framework is based on three core principles: Risk: Matching the level of service (e.g., individual and group therapies) to the participant’s risk to re-offend; Need: Assessing the needs of the individual in order for them to desist from re-offending and target those needs in treatment; and Responsivity: Maximizing the participant’s ability to benefit from therapy by tailoring the therapeutic intervention to the learning style, motivation, abilities, and strengths of the participant.

Good Lives Model

The Good Lives Model (GLM) is a strengths-based approach to offender rehabilitation, and is built on the idea that a primary purpose of treatment is to build offenders’ capabilities and strengths in order to reduce their risk of re-offending. The GLM is premised on the idea that people commit offenses due to a mismatch between an outcome they value and their ability to achieve the outcome in a prosocial way. Due to a range of deficits or weaknesses inherent in the individual and their environment, they instead resort to inappropriate and damaging means, resulting in offending behavior. GLM is a strength-based rehabilitation framework that is responsive to offenders’ particular interests, abilities, and aspirations. Clinicians work with participants to develop intervention plans that help them acquire the capabilities needed to achieve desired outcomes in a prosocial, sustainable way.

Duluth Model of Domestic Violence Intervention Services

The Duluth Model is an evidence-informed treatment for those who have perpetrated relational violence. The model aims to dismantle distorted thinking by building alternative, healthier beliefs and attitudes. This treatment involves group therapy, co-led by male and female therapists, focuses on full disclosure of the interpersonal violence, with a client taking full responsibility for his or her actions, identifying maladaptive patterns, and learning to replace abusive behaviors with respectful ones.