Restoring hope with dignity

Additional Survivor Services

JJPI offers several additional specialized services at our Survivor Services location.

Project Dawn Court (PDC)

Adult females with a history of arrests for prostitution are offered trauma-specific therapy through the PDC program. Participants are engaged in individual and group therapy, and receive psychiatric services as clinically appropriate. They also have the option to participate in individual and group Dialectical Behavior Therapy and Prolonged Exposure therapy. A court liaison from JJPI attends monthly workgroups with the PDC team and provides updates at monthly court proceedings. 

Services for Children with Sexual Behavior Problems/Sexual Reactivity (ages 12 and under)

Children’s sexual development begins in infancy as babies learn about their own bodies. As children grow, children’s typical sexual development includes being curious about other people’s bodies, touching their own genitals, and play involving sexuality (e.g., playing doctor).  However, in some instances, children may exhibit sexual behaviors that are a cause for concern. These behaviors include sexual behaviors that are intrusive and do not respond to redirection, are accompanied by anger and/or aggression, are enacted with a significantly younger child, are too mature for the child’s age, or cause emotional or physical harm. 

At JJPI, we provide assessment of children who are exhibiting sexual behavior problems/sexual reactivity and provide treatment that incorporates Body Safety, a psychoeducational program that teaches children what are typical and atypical sexual behaviors and how they can keep themselves safe. In addition, we work with families to implement good boundaries and privacy practices (e.g., when bathing and toileting) and to provide closer supervision of children when interacting with media such as the internet.